
Bio plus

 contains a balanced ratio of macro elements along with magnesium, micro elements and seaweed extract, which is used to improve rooting, greenery, flowering and fruiting and increases the plant’s resistance to stress Environmental and plant diseases.

Product details

Additional information

Total Nitrogen (N)


Phosphorus (P2O5)


Potassium (K2O)


Magnesium (MgO)


Iron (Fe EDTA)


Zinc (Zn EDTA)


Manganese (Mn EDTA)


Copper (Cu EDTA)


Boron (B)


Method of Use

Horticultural and agricultural products :
Foliar: 1 – 2 liters per hectare ( 0.1 – 0.2 gal/acre )
Fertigation: 4 – 6 liters per hectare ( 0.4 – 0.6 gal/acre )